From the President
Get Ready, Stay Engaged in Danville’s Future
By Judy B. Lloyd, President & CEO
March 30, 2022
Dear Danville Area Chamber Members,
This year, the Town of Danville is updating both its Downtown Master Plan and its Housing Element.
These updates are significant to all residents and business owners not just in the Town of Danville – but neighboring communities in unincorporated Contra Costa County.
The original Downtown Master Plan created in 1986 was the guiding document for the charm and character of the downtown we see today. As we transition through the pandemic, resident and visitor behaviors adapted, highlighting a desire for more engagement areas outside in our downtown for lingering longer. The Town begun the process of updating the Downtown Master Plan, listening to residents, businesses, and property owners, focusing on identifying opportunities for more outdoor gathering places in downtown Danville.
Earlier this year, the Town conducted several stakeholder interviews and launched a community survey. Town staff is partnering with SWA Consulting, who will be presenting the Draft Master Plan to the Town Council on May 17th.
On April 26th and 27th, the Town will hold public meetings with its appointed commissioners on the Planning, Parks, Recreation and Arts, Heritage Resource, Design Review, Seniors and Arts Commissions/Boards. Interested parties are invited to attend and provide their input at these meetings.
All the information you need – including recordings of previous meetings – is at this link.
The Housing Element must be updated every eight (8) years, in accordance with State Housing Element Law, enacted in 1969.
The law requires every city to provide its “fair share” of housing needs by planning and removing constraints for growth.
The California Department of Finance generates housing projections and assigns a number to regional governments to distribute. In the Bay Area region, it’s up to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to come up with a methodology of how they will distribute these units.
Though Danville disagreed with ABAG’s methodology and appealed their ruling, we lost – just like every other city who appealed. Danville is now being forced to plan for 2,241 units. This number is four times the previous allocation eight years ago.
Where these units are placed will have a direct impact on business.
The chart below shows Danville’s allocation in comparison to neighboring cities in Contra Costa County as well as unincorporated Contra Costa County.
Get Involved
Right now, the Town is seeking input from residents. The process is outlined in the graph below.
Visit the Town Talks online housing portal at this link. Thus far, 100 people have had their say using the housing simulation tool. This online tool allows you to identify places where you believe housing should be built.
You can help decide places that fit State guidelines on what makes a housing site suitable for potential development.
Don’t delay – the map simulation tool is only available through April 8th.
By July 2022, there will be a draft plan for review followed by public hearings.
This is an opportunity for us to shape our future. As difficult as change is – we must embrace it and communicate with our elected leaders to help them make decisions for the good of the Town.
Business owners in unincorporated areas outside of Danville are encouraged to participate. Remember, housing drives a lot of volume for businesses and its placement is very important.
Spread the word. Be involved. Make a difference today.
To learn more about these projects visit
As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can be helpful in any way.
Best wishes,
Judy B. Lloyd
President & CEO
Danville Area Chamber of Commerce