Honorable Newell Arnerich
Danville Town Councilmembers
510 La Gonda Way
Danville, CA 94526
Dear Mayor and Town Councilmembers,
Regarding Ordinance No. 2022-03, temporarily suspending outdoor seating limitations
We appreciate the work the staff has done to present Ordinance 2022-03 for your review at the May 3, 2022 Town Council meeting. As you know, we have been on record in support of extending outdoor seating to give restaurants the opportunity to create and expand during the pandemic.
Per our previous letter and discussions at the April 5, 2022 Town Council Meeting, the Chamber is in full support of continuation of temporary land use permits through January 3, 2023. We feel that this gives businesses predictability going into the summer and fall.
Moreover, we are aware that cases of COVID-19 continue to exist in our community and this extension provides the opportunity for residents of our community and customers to dine outside, should they prefer.
In reading the ordinance and speaking with Town staff, the Chamber became more aware of challenges at the east end of Church Street. As we’ve discussed in the past, the safety of the community is the top priority of the Chamber and its members and must be at the forefront of the discussion.
The Chamber has also become aware of challenges inherent in the proposal to open Church Street to two-way traffic. Put succinctly, the proposal to impose a new footprint requirement would require scrapping existing parklets – and the investments underlying them – entirely. Making this dramatic shift just six months before the deadline would thwart the common goals of predictability, equity, and economic stimulus for the community at large.
To resolve this paradigm, the Chamber recommended that Town Staff meet with impacted businesses directly to discuss solutions. This meeting took place on Monday, May 2, 2022. As we understand it, the group successfully identified a solution that addresses safety while allowing our local businesses to retain their existing investments. We are hopeful that the Council will adopt this solution.
As we’ve stated in the past, the Chamber is ready and willing to work with the Town and Town staff on this issue. We are grateful for our partnership with the Town and look forward to working with you to accomplish our common goals.
Best wishes,
Judy B. Lloyd, President & CEO
Glenn Bittner, Board Chair
Brittany Doyle Riley, Chair, Economic Development and Government Affairs Committee
Tim Argenti, Member, Economic Development and Government Affairs Committee
Steve Glaski, Member, Economic Development and Government Affairs Committee