Town and Danville Area Chamber to Host Joint Business Community Workshop
Your Chance for Input on Housing Sites

March 22, 2022

As part of the next phase of community outreach for the Housing Element update, residents and the Danville area business community are invited to help suggest sites in Danville that they believe should be considered for housing development using an interactive Housing Site Suggestion Map.

All recommended parcels will be evaluated against State Department of Housing and Community Development (State HCD) parameters and local considerations to determine their viability as a suitable site for potential development.

Danville has been assigned the task of planning for at least 2,241 new homes in the next eight- year Housing Element cycle (2023-2031). To do so, the Town, along with all other California communities, must identify the locations that could accommodate new housing development. The Housing Site Suggestion Map will be available between March 7 and April 8, 2022, and can be found at


An informational virtual workshop, tailored for the business community, has been set for Monday, March 28th @ 12:00 noon (Zoom).

Register at the project page.

Contact Public Information Officer Nicola Shihab at (925) 314-3336 or [email protected] with any additional questions.