Danville Summer Arts Fling
- Your $20 contribution helps the Chamber support local businesses and economic vitality efforts through specialty programs.
- You will have access to 16 local artists at 14 business locations.
- Live Music will be available at several locations in Downtown Danville. Stay tuned for details!
- Businesses will treat you to Open Houses as you view artists’ work.
- Paid guests will receive a complimentary tote bag and commemorative glass
- Paid guests will be entered into an Opportunity Drawing for Gift Cards at the following establishments:
Guest Registration is available from 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM on Friday, June 21st. Tickets will be sold on site within this timeframe.
Stop by to pick up your complimentary tote bag and commemorative glass at the Village Theater, 233 Front Street, Danville.
Bring your business card to be entered into our Opportunity Drawing for gift cards at four fabulous Danville businesses!